A Study in the Book of Leviticus

1. Our LORD & The Law - The Torah

Pastor Jeff Pearson

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2. Our LORD & Leviticus - Book of Leviticus

Pastor Jeff Pearson

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3. Our LORD & Ritual Ceremonies - Leviticus 1-7

Pastor Jeff Pearson

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4. Our LORD & Ritual Celebrations - Leviticus 23

Pastor Jeff Pearson

Play or download here:  VideoAudioNotes

5. Our LORD & Priest's Ordination - Leviticus 7,8

Pastor Jeff Pearson

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6. Our LORD & Punishment of Priests - Leviticus 10

Pastor Charlie Bethmann

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7. Our LORD & Priest's Qualifications - Leviticus 21-22

Pastor Jeff Pearson

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8. Our LORD & Ceremonial Purity - Leviticus 11-15

Pastor Jeff Pearson

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9. Our LORD & Moral Purity - Leviticus 18-20

Pastor Jeff Pearson

Play or download here:  VideoAudio – Notes

10. Our LORD & The Day of Atonement - Leviticus 16-17

Pastor Jeff Pearson

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11. Our LORD & Covenant Faithfulness - Leviticus 26

Pastor Jeff Pearson

Play or download here:  VideoAudioNotes

11a. Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God

Jonathan Edwards

Play or download here:  Video – AudioText

12. Our LORD & T4G - Various Passages

Pastor Jeff Pearson

Play or download here:  VideoAudio – Notes

12a. Additional Together for the Gospel

2018 Source Material

Play or download here:  VideoAudio – Notes

13. Our LORD & Our Holiness - Leviticus 27:34

Pastor Jeff Pearson

Play or download here:  VideoAudioNotes